Archive for September, 2010

Landscape Mode

Landscape Mode allows you to take pictures of building-like scenes with a long depth of field. Landscape Mode shows in my picture because it shows the long depth and leads you to the back of the picture with the mill building.

Cropping Photos

Cropping is when you select the part of the picture that looks the best and cutting the rest out. This is an example of cropping because as you can see from the before and after, before there were cars and the side of a building in it, and after, there was just the trees and bigger buildings which made a better composition. I cut out all the junk that made the picture ugly. I used Photoshop to for cropping.

Built In Frame

The Built In Frame technique is when you take an object and use another to surround it. In my two pictures, the arch is framing the city and the hands are framing the berries.

Leading Lines

The Leading Lines technique is used to draw attention deeper into a picture or the subject. The lines direct your eyes to what they are leading you to. This picture is an example because the windows on the building direct your eyes to the left of the picture. Some other examples of Leading Lines are roads, rivers, and fences.

Rule of Thirds

The Rule of Thirds is a method used by photographers everywhere to make your photo look more interesting and the main subject not the only thing that is focused on. To use the Rule of Thirds, you should imagine a three by three grid and position the main subject one-third of the way in. This shows the subject and other things you might not have noticed about the picture if the subject was in the middle, like the background and scenery.